
Alexandre Khrapoutski

Alexandre Khrapoutski, advocate, partner at Lex Torre Law Office, MCIArb
Head of the International Arbitration Practice

Career: In practice since 1995.

Languages: Belarusian, Russian, English

Alexandre Khrapoutski involved in international commercial arbitration since 2000.
Participated in more than 70 arbitral proceedings as chairman of tribunal, sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator and counsel under the arbitration rules of ICC, SCC, LCIA, VIAC, IAC at the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ICAC at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, ICA at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Alexandre Khrapoutski is included in the lists of recommended arbitrators:
• International Arbitration Court at the Belarusian Сhamber of Commerce and Industry
• China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC)
• Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC)
• The Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC)
• Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration (VCCA)
• Court of Arbitration «Lewiatan»
• Shanghai Arbitration Commission
• International Court of Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic
• Included into the list for possible appointment for the position of Chairperson for arbitrations in bilateral disputes under the EU’s trade agreements with third countries

  • Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb, London)

  • Founder and organizing committee co-chairman of Eastern European Dispute Resolution Forum (EEDRF, Minsk, Belarus).
  • Organizer of the first ICC YAF events in Belarus.
  • Senior Lecturer of Civil Law department of the Belarusian State University Law Faculty on «Civil Law», «Civil and trade law of foreign countries» courses.
  • Expert in number of international projects: Doing Business World Bank and International Monetary Fund (from 2004 to present).
Chambers Global - Dispute Resolution 2019 – Band 1:

"Alexandre Khrapoutski joined Lex Torre Law office from SBH Law Offices in May 2019. He is one of the leading figures for dispute resolution, best recognised for his arbitration prowess. His practice covers international arbitration mandates, where he acts as counsel and arbitrator. Sources note that he is "approachable and adaptable to the client's needs."

«A practitioner who is very well known for his corporate work», according to interviewees.

Clients speak of him as «a lawyer you know you can turn to with delicate and confidential issues». «He's a good lawyer: very experienced, very flexible, very friendly» - International rating IFLR
Every year international independent rankings acknowledge Alexandre Khrapoutski as one of the best Belarusian lawyers in areas of Dispute Resolution, International Arbitration, Banking and Finance. As an example, the following rankings can be mentioned:
  • The Arbitration Powerlist: CIS & Caucasus (The Legal 500)
  • Who's Who Legal: Arbitration - Future Leaders-Partners
  • Chambers Global: The World's Leading Lawyers
  • International Financial Law Review's Guide to the World's Leading Financial Law firms
  • The Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa
  • The International Who's Who Legal
  • Global Arbitration Review GAR Art
      • Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus), Law Faculty, 1995. Honors: cum laude.
      • Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). Course «Review of International Disputes in the WTO and international commercial arbitration», 1999.
      • Friedrich-Alexandre-University Erlangen Nurnberg (Erlangen, Germany). Probation within the program Tempus, 2000.
      • Karl-Franzens University (Graz, Austria). Probation within the program Tempus, 2001.
      • Community Connections Business Program (Minneaplois, USA), 2004.
      • ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy Course, 2011-2013.
      Participation as an arbitrator in a dispute in the sphere of the construction in an amount of more than 30 million dollars under the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC).

      Participation as an arbitrator in a dispute on supply of the petroleum products in the amount of 10 million dollars under the Rules of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

      Participation as an arbitrator in a dispute on supply of the petroleum products under the English law according to the Rules of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

      Representing of the interests of the Belarusian systemic enterprise in a dispute arising from the contract on equipment supply under the Rules of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

      Representation of the Croatian company in a dispute with a Belarusian contractor, arising from a construction contract.

      Consultations of a Belarusian state-owned enterprise on initiating an arbitration proceedings at the Singapore International Arbitration Center on a dispute arising from a supply contract with an Indonesian counterparty.

      Representation of interests of a subsidiary of a large energy company at the pre-arbitration stage of the resolution of a dispute arising from a construction contract.

      Consultations of a Belarusian systemic enterprise on a complex analysis of the relations with a counterparty and preparation of the legal opinion with the risks evaluation and possible directions for potential arbitration in one of the European arbitration centers.

      Consultations of the client on questions, related to the consideration of the dispute in the ICC International Court of Arbitration, arising from the contract for the construction of the roads in the Republic of Belarus.

      Representation of a Lithuanian company in a Vilnius commercial arbitration court in a dispute, related to the compulsion to execute a distribution contract.

      Advising a major Belarusian insurance company on a dispute arising from an obligatory insurance contract concluded with a North Korean state company in the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA).

      Representation of a major manufacturer of elevator equipment in the International Arbitration Court at the BelCCI in a dispute with a Belarusian customer related to the construction of the building of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus.

      Legal services on the interests of the customer (shopping and entertainment center) in the framework of pre-arbitration settlement of the dispute with the general contractor as part of a possible arbitration in Switzerland.

      Providing advice to a foreign law firm on arbitration (ICSID) arising from a relationship of investing in one of the Belarusian enterprises.

      Conducting an LDD investment company to identify pre-trial (pre-arbitration) risks and the possibility of a dispute in the general contracting organization.

      Representation of the clients' interests on the recognition and enforcement of a number of decisions of international arbitration institutions of the CIS and Europe.


      Alexandre Khrapoutski is widely published on the topic of international commercial arbitration, litigation, commercial and contract law. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Arbitrational Journal
      Previous publications
      • Khrapoutski A., Loban K. Good Arbitrator – a guarantee of success // Director. - 2015. - №6.
      • Khrapoutski A. Arbitrability according to the legislation of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine: problematic issues // Materials of the II International Arbitration Readings in Memory of Academician Igor POBIRCHENKO. The collection of papers. ICAC at the Ukrainian CCI. – 2015.
      • Khrapoutski A., Loban K. Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in the Republic of Belarus // The International Journal of Arbitration, Mediation and Dispute Management. Volume 81. Issue 1. February, 2015.
      • Khrapoutski A. Russian Arbitration Association. New prospects of development// Jurist. - 2014. - №11.
      • Khrapoutski A. Electronic document: application in arbitration (practice of Belarus and Russia) // Legal Insight №8 (34) 2014.
      • Khrapoutski A. A new procedure for consideration of disputes between the Belarusian entities of the International Arbitration Court at the BCCI // Industrial and Commercial Law. №5 (103), May 2011.
      • Khrapoutski A. The new order of consideration of disputes between Belarusian parties in the International Arbitration Court at the BCCI // Jurist. – 2011. – №5 (120). – p. 16-19.
      • Khrapoutski A. The risks of lessor in the agreement of international financial leasing // Industrial and trade law. – 2010. – №10. – P. 45-49.
      • Khrapoutski A. The franchise agreement: some aspects of legal regulation // Legal support of innovative development of economy of the Republic of Belarus: Mater. of int. scient.-pract. Conf., Minsk, 21-22 October. 2010 / editors.: I.N.Kolyadka (chief editor) [and others] – Minsk: Positive-center, 2010. – P.190-191.
      • Khrapoutski A. Untitrust legislation // Belarusian legal encyclopedia: In 4 v. – V. 1. / editors: S.A.Balashenko [and others.]. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2007. – P. 64.
      • Khrapoutski A. Banking secrets // Belarusian legal encyclopedia: In 4 v. – V. 1. / editors: S.A.Balashenko [and others.]. – Minsk: GIUST BSU, 2007. – P. 101.
      • Khrapoutski A. Issue 14. Protection of Civil Rights // Practical Guide on Civil Law: teaching material / Under edition of Professor V.F.Chigir. – Minsk: Amalfea, 2000. – P. 40-48.
      • Khrapoutski A. Issue 34. Leasing. Gratuitous use of property // Practical Guide on Civil Law: teaching material / Under edition of Professor V.F.Chigir. – Minsk: Amalfea, 2000. – P. 108-118.
      • Khrapoutski A. Legal regulation of leasing in the new Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus // System of law and legislation of the Republic of Belarus: situation and perspectives of development: Mater. of rep. scient.-pract. Conf. Hrodna, April 26-27, 1999, in 2 parts // Hrodna State University nam. Janki Kupaly (edit. I.V. Guschin) – Hrodna, 1999. – Part 1. P. 155-159.
      Customer reviews
      • "Alexandre Khrapoutski is a highly regarded arbitrator with exceptional knowledge and experience. He has a good command of the legislative framework and an unbiased approach to problem solving" (Chambers Europe 2017)
      • "Alexandre Khrapoutski has vast experience in advising local banks on attracting international financing" (Chambers Europe 2017)
      • "Alexandre Khrapoutski is a very highly regarded arbitrator. He has a good command of the legislative framework and an unbiased approach to problem solving. He is always able to find a workable solution in the most critical situations. His practical experience includes insurance and supply contract disputes" (Chambers Global 2017)
      • "He's a good lawyer: very experienced, very flexible, very friendly'' (International rating IFLR).
      Public activities
      Alexandre Khrapoutski has regularly appeare as a guest speaker and has delivered lectures and papers at local and international conferences, seminars and workshops on arbitration and dispute resolution.
      • Speaker of the C5's annual International Disputes and Asset Recovery involving Former Soviet Union Parties conference, London (January, 2020).
      • Speaker of the China Arbitration Summit, Bejing (November, 2019).
      • Moderator of the session on the procedural efficiency of arbitration, the role of the arbitrator in ensuring efficient arbitration proceedings and ways to increase the efficiency of the arbitrator at the VI International Arbitration Readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko, Kyiv (October, 2019).
      • Speaker of the panel discussion on interaction with state courts, provisional measures, recognition and enforcement of judicial and arbitral decisions at the Conference on Commercial Dispute Resolution in the CIS countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine) organized by the German-Russian Bar Association (DRJV) together with DIS40 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the City of Frankfurt am Main (Germany), (February, 2019).
      • Alexandre Khrapoutski, member of the working group on the development of the Prague Rules, was honorary speaker of the official presentation of the Rules on the efficient conduct of proceedings in international arbitration (the Prague Rules), The Martinic Palace, Prague, Czech Republic (December, 2018).
      • Speaker of the V International Arbitration Readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko devoted to the 60th anniversary of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. The event was organized by the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry under auspices of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, Kyiv (October, 2018).
      • Speaker of the DIS Baltic Arbitration Days, Riga (June, 2018).
      • Speaker of the Breakfast Round-table with the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration in North America, Zagreb, Croatia (December, 2017).
      • Speaker of the IV International Arbitration Readings in memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko with speech regarding the "Implementation of the principles of the inquisitorial procedure by arbitration as a mechanism for reducing its terms and costs", Kyiv (September, 2017).
      • Speaker of the authorial seminar «Procurement procedure, its basic mistakes. Court practice» organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Minsk (April, 2017).
      • Participated in the events dedicated to 100-year anniversary of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Stockholm (January, 2017).
      • Participated in the General Meeting of Arbitrators of the International Commercial Arbitration Court and the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Kyiv (November 18, 2016).
      • Speaker of the III International Arbitration Readings in Memory of Academician Igor Pobirchenko, Kyiv (November, 2015).
      • Speaker of the XIII International Law Forum, Prague (October, 2014).
      • Speaker of the Fifth annual conference of The Arbitration Association, Moscow (April, 2014).
      • Speaker of the seminar organized jointly by Stockholm Chamber o f Commerce and Embassy of Sweden in the Republic o f Belarus, Minsk (January, 2014).
      • Participated in the conference KIEV ARBITRATION DAY, Kyiv (November, 2013).
      • Participated in an annual international arbitration conference, organized by ICC Russia and ICC International Court o f Arbitration, Moscow (December, 2012).
      • Participated in the VII practical conference "Impact o f law enforcement practice on development o f entrepreneurship in the Republic o f Belarus", Minsk (November, 2012).
      Special permit (license) for advocacy № 02240 / 2324 - 22.02.2013.
      Alexandre Khrapoutski, Partner at Lex Torre Law Office. Head of the International Arbitration Practice
      Alexandre Khrapoutski,
      International Commercial Arbitration

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